by markwestwriter | Jun 16, 2024 | Blog, Grace
My Dad didn’t talk much about his youth, but I know he was born in Yakima, Washington, and later moved to San Bernardino, California, with my Grandma Edith. I never had a grandfather on his side of the family, but my grandma had a couple of suitors whom my mom...
by markwestwriter | Nov 3, 2020 | Blog, Camino Blog, Uncategorized
FIRST IMPRESSIONS- Autism, Karl Rove, and the Lesbian Governor Changing first impressions is hard. It’s even harder when that impression is tied to something one has a strong emotional reaction to- Barack Obama is black and wasn’t born here, Ann Richards is a...
by markwestwriter | Sep 10, 2018 | friendship
What makes us becomes friends after being thrown together by the mad squalls and storms that life provides? What forces of nature cause us to remain friends? How do our friends affect the direction of our own lives? I met Cormac, a teacher from Ireland while walking...
by markwestwriter | Aug 2, 2018 | Love
When you’re older you have baggage. That baggage is packed with habits, foibles, and deeply rooted convictions that cause you to shy away from life, things that get in the way of functioning clearly and living purposefully. Many of these things are manifested in our...
by markwestwriter | Jul 20, 2018 | Worthiness
I never really thought about being unworthy until a few years ago. But then again, a few years ago is when my life became a shitbag of chaos which, in my case, forced me to look inside and deal with the things that were making me wake up to dreams of suicide....