Daring Greatly- Notes from the Camino de Santiago
Day 6- Estella to Torres Del Rio ("Notes from the Camino de Santiago" retraces my walk across Spain on the Camino de Santiago and relates some of the lessons I learned from the experience.) It was still dark out as I walked out the door of the auberge in...

5 Reasons to Live: Notes from the Camino de Santiago
Three years ago, I didn’t have any. My life in California had fallen apart and I found myself in France at the foot of the Pyrenees on a wet-gray morning with a 35 pound pack on my back and the foolish idea that if I walked across Spain I might be able to come to...

The days slide by as we live out these steps that lead us down the path of the finest destination any of us has ever traveled. Don’t think. Don’t anticipate. Just be. Be the chirping crickets, the dancing fireflies, the coyotes howling at the moon. Be the crashing sea, the howling wind…

Disregarding the Light- A Video Haiku
Why in the hell do we obsessively root around in the dark recesses of our souls while disregarding the light and beauty that life is…

Souls Collide- A Video Haiku
And sometimes in the random moments of the night souls collide. And we may never know why. Note to self. Never ask why.

How Rare and Beautiful It Is That We Exist- Notes from the Camino
I walked along the beach in Finisterre picking up a few scallop shells to bring home and wondered if I really would be able to, as Thomas Wolfe said…

Quasimodo and the Gates of Heaven- Notes from the Camino
Olveiroa was definitely a beat town (Rachel had described it as a “cowboy town”), although when I left I passed by a cool restaurant/pension. An old stone building was faced with glass, and it gave a contemporary feel to this old stone building. I hadn’t run across it...

Mark’s Santiago de Compostela/ Don Elías Sampedro playlist – Notes from the Camino
I think we’re all slaves to our emotions. That’s not to say that emotions are bad things. Au contraire mon frère (or mon soeur)! In fact, I think emotions are the sign posts of our lives. Like the yellow arrows painted on the Camino by Mad Monk Don Elías Valiña Sampedro…

Ayn Rand, Rubber Chickens, and a One Eyed Crazy old Goat- Notes from the Camino
I got downstairs to the cafe that was attached to the Auberge Carmen, my place for the night. I was going to just leave and see what was down the road before I got something to eat, but I decided instead to grab a chocolate croissant…

Dead Saints and Bocadillos- Notes from the Camino
I finally got on my bus in San Sebastian. The negative vibe that had surrounded my heart and soul was giving way…slowly. I was paranoid of missing the bus so I was at the station early, but I did stop on the way to pick up a few supplies,,,